Monday, February 13, 2006

Wedding Crashers

The well has run dry.

It seems the comedy of those guys who compose of the Stiller/Farrell/Favreau crew have run out of funny thing to say. If you don't believe me, watch Wedding Crashers.

I unfortunately got my hands on a copy of the unreleased/unrated/unwatchable version of the DVD. This future shuriken held me down for almost two hours, insisting that it was funny. Still, I remained unconvinced.

It's not as if I am not partial to Vince Vaughn; the guy is funny. I saw him in Made, it was hilarious. And Owen Wilson is great in Zoolander. In this, they were both complete rubbish.

The producers of the film went to great lengths to pull out a buch of gags. That is, if you consider having Christopher Walken in the movie a "gag." Seriously, C-dub, what are you doing now? Why do I feel like you are doing an impression of yourself in every movie after Communion? That Whitley Schriber shit was hot, but this? no - not hot, cold.

Furthermore, having Vaughn and Wilson wear funny clothes = not funny.

Perhaps the problem lies in that neither one of these protagonists is a likable personality. This is not so much an attack on them as much as the people who proposed they get together to do a movie. I mean, think about it, both of these guys made their mark on cinema when they were teamed with semi-deformed mutants Jon Favreau and Ben Stiller. These are not flattering photos, but you get the point. Two pretty boys need mutants to maintain the balance of life. Which is not entirely dissimilar to the circle of life.

I will sum this up by saying: aviod this movie at all cost. It is boring and a waste of almost two hours that you can never have back. Rating: 3/1,000,000 - 3 for thetotal number of times I forgot I was wasting my life watching Owen Wilson make out with fabulous sluts.