Monday, July 11, 2005

National Treasure

National Treasure

After watching Baseketball and Closer, I though that I should continue to switch up the genres with the action packed Summer smash of 2004, National Treasure. This peice of shit had Jerry Bruckenheimer written all over it. Explosions and a questionable storyline are some of the highlights that make this one of the worst Nick Cage movies yet.

And what really happened to Cage's integrity? He used to be in some of the best movies playing the most fucked up characters. He was really good at it---see Vampire's Kiss and Raising Arizona. Now he indulges is this generic Disney movie, son of John Voight, leading man bullshit. TAMADA!

Anyway, NT did not stray from the usual shit that he has been in recently. To add insult to injury it portrays Masons and Templars as the real heros and saviors of the universe. TAMADA! What a load of shit.
For people interested in Freemasons and stuff here are some sights .

Plus the movie is totally homoerotic with wardrobe and promotion courtesy of Urban Outfitters (see photo).

In accordance with the above evidence the movie deserves its score of 5/1,000,000.

Don't watch it, or else my work here has been done in vain.

"But Nick, I love you."


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